
[스크랩] 전투기 조종사가 공부 엄청 잘해야 하는 이유

대구담 2012. 9. 20. 01:06

돌대가리면 절대로 이것들 다 외울수가 없음...그것도 위급상황에서 침착하게 필요한것만 알아서 조절하는건...

1. Indexer lights AOA 9.  Eyebrow warning lights 17. Landing gear indicator lights
2. Indexer lights REFUEL/NWS 10. MFD 18. AOA indicator
3. EW panel 11. Airspeed in MACH and knots 19. ADI
4. Digital RWR, see below for details 12. Altitude indicator 20. CLIMB indicator
5. DED 13. OIL pressure 21. HSI Horizontal Situation Indicator
6.  Backup Attitude Director Indicator 14. NOZZLE position 22. Standby magnetic compass
7. FUEL FLOW indicator  15. RPM 23. FUEL Indicator
8. Eyebrow warning lights 16. FTIT Fan Turbine Inlet Temperature 24. WARNING lights panel

1.Target Separation light(unstack symbols) 6. ECM standby/Exmit display 1. Filter priority threats (push to enable)
2. RWR display 7. Priority mode enabled light 2. Priority mode button
3. Chaff and Flares available numbers 8. Unknown radar sources enabled light 3. Target Separation button
4. Low altitude threats warning 9. Missile launch warning light  4. Unknown radar sources button
5. Chaff and Flares available numbers 10. RWR active light  5. Naval threats Priority button
6. ECM standby/Exmit display 11. Jammer enabled light   30. Fuel Quantity selector knob

1.  Landing gear indicator lights 4. HSI heading distance in miles 7. Kneeboard
2. AOA indicator 5. HSI course in degrees 8. CMDS see pic below for details
3. ADI 6. HSI 9. UHF Channel #

1. ALT button  4. EW Program switch  7. Chaff release power 
2. SRCH button, displays Search Radars on the RWR  5. EW main mode switch  8. EW Jammer power 
3. RWR toggle RWR system, enables receiving of RWR data  6. RF Silent switch  9. EW RWR power 

10. Flare release power

1. ADI  6. HSI 11. LOX indicator
2. CLIMB Indicator 7. Standby magnetic compass 12. EPU FUEL Indicator
3. FTIT 8. FUEL Indicator 13. Clock
4. HSI distance in miles 9. Pilot Fault Display (PFD)
5. HSI course in degrees 10. Hydraulic Press A and B Indicator

1. Radar ALT switch 9. HUD ATT/FPM switch 17. Power MMC switch (Modular Mission Computer)  
2. HUD Depressible Reticle ON/STBY/OFF 10. HUD ALT RADAR switch 18. Power ST/STA switch (Stores Station System)
3. HUD Test step 11. Instruments Lights brightness 19. Power MFD switch (Multi Function Displays)
4. Air Source selector 12. Panel backlighting brightness 20. Power UFC (Up Front Controls= DED and ICP)
5. Right Hardpoint power switch 13. Left Hardpoint power switch 21. Interial Navigation System rotary switch (INS)
6. HUD DED DATA switch 14. HUD Vertical Velocity switch 22. Power GPS switch (Global Positioning System)
7. HUD DAY/NIGHT switch 15. HUD CAS/TAS switch 23. Power Datalink switch (DL), required to Datalink wingman 
8. Instruments Lights brightness 16. Voice Inhibit switch positional data and JSTAR updates Clock

1. Chaff/Flare Slap switch 11. M1/M3 selector switch 21. JFS switch (Jet Fuel Start)
2. Master FUEL switch 12. TACAN channel selectors 22. COMM1 volume/power  rotary switch
3. Engine Feed rotary switch 13. EXT LTS, Anti collision switch 23. UHF panel function switch
4. Air refuel door switch 14. EXT LTS Position lights switch FLASH/STDY 24. COMM2 volume/power  rotary switch
5. EPU FUEL switch 15. EXT LTS Position lights switch Fuselage 25. Terrain following tone(Not enabled) rotary switch
6. ALT FLAPS extend switch  16. Roll Trim rotary switch 26. Secure Voice volume (Not enabled) rotary switch
7. IFF master switch 17. Trim Autopilot/Disc switch 27. Missile tone volume
8. C&I  Communication/Backup switch 18. EXT LTS Master switch 28.Threat tone volume
9. Main ELEC POWER switch  19. YAW Trim rotary switch 29. UHF channel rotary switch
10. Leading Edge FLAPS switch (lock) 20. Pitch Trim rotary switch

여자분들은 전투기 조종사 남친 있으면 절대로 놓치지 마세요.

15년 의무복무 끝나자마자 민항사로 이직해 돈 엄청 많이 벌어요^^

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